中口は『ドクター オブ ドクターズ ネットワーク』評議員会にて優秀専門臨床医に推薦・選考されました。



注:ドクターオブドクターズネットワークとは、T-PEC(Total Private Emergency Center)が運営する43の専門分野に於いて評議員の先生方全員が認定した優秀専門臨床医(平成27年8月現在、2,689名)のセカンドオピニオンネットワークです。T-PECは日本で初めて24時間年中無休にて電話による健康や医療に関する相談事業を立ち上げた会社で、現在、健康相談数は日本最多の件数を誇っています。(T-PECホームページより転記)

Nakaguchi was recommended and selected as an excellent specialist clinician by the "Doctor of Doctors Network" board of trustees.

Outstanding Professional Clinician Recommendation and Selection Criteria
Recommendation criteria
What you would like to ask if the Councilor himself or his family needs hospitalization or surgery.
Having a high level of expertise that can be trusted by both patients and doctors.
To be able to provide treatment from the patient's point of view that is rich in humanity.
Be a practicing clinician.

Selection criteria
Doctor of Doctors Network councilors, professors and professors emeritus of medical universities who represent each specialized field in the medical world act as general consultants, and provide second opinions and referrals to excellent specialist clinicians as necessary.
An excellent specialist clinician is a doctor who has been unanimously selected by the Doctor of Doctors Network Board of Trustees and who has endorsed this service. A practicing clinician with a high level of expertise.
All councilors (Kanto Councilor, Kansai Councilor, Tokai Councilor, Hokkaido Councilor, Tohoku Councilor, Kyushu Councilor, Chugoku Councilor) are selected.
If even one council member objects, the selection will not be made.

Note: The Doctor of Doctors Network is an excellent specialist clinician (as of August 2015, 2,689 second opinion network. T-PEC was the first company in Japan to launch a 24/7 telephone health and medical consultation business, and currently boasts the largest number of health consultations in Japan. (transcribed from the T-PEC website)